Board Secretary // The Collective Events, Inc.
Hi, I'm Gabby Upp, I'm a working mom/SAHM mom to two sweet girls Adaline and Wrenlee, wife to Kyle, and teacher. I'm a big community girlie, and love to get involved any way that I can whether that be shopping/dining at small businesses, volunteering, or just being a community hype girl for all the great things happening locally! My family and I love to spend our days, whether it be summer or winter, at Stop 28 in Long Beach. I am a fitness enthusiast and holiday extraordinaire. There's almost nothing I love more than coming home after I have fully "decked the halls" of our home for every holiday!
HOMETOWN - I was born in Hazel Crest, IL, but have spent a majority of my life here in LaPorte. I was raised a Slicer, and live by the "once a Slicer, always a Slicer" motto.
WORK - I spend my days during the school year 7-3 learning, laughing, and growing, with the most wonderful 11-13 year olds LaPorte has, here at LaPorte Middle School, where I teach 7th grade Energy and the Environment and 8th grade Preparing for College and Careers. After 3:00 pm I am a full time mom, my afternoons consist of playdates, running to sports practices, bubble baths, and snuggles. The biggest perk of teaching for me is being on the same schedule as my girls, and I love that I get to be a stay at home mom June-August and never ever have to miss a big event or milestone in their lives, while also living out my career goals.
WORK & COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT - I serve on the LaPorte Educational Development Foundation board as well as The Collective Events board, and I love all the opportunities I get to better serve our community on both of these. I also am a very active member of Holy Family Parish, St. Joseph, where I teach preschool faith formation classes. I also sit on many different committees within our school corporation with the primary focus of continuing to find ways to make our corporation the best it can be for our teachers, students, and families.
HOBBIES - I love going on walks, attending classes at Hott N Healthy, and making all sorts of holiday crafts. Stop 50 Pizza picnics on the beach are also one of my favorite ways to recharge and relax.
PARTY TRICK - Party trick would be that as a "retired" life-long cheerleader/gymnast, I can still do backflips, and flip on and off the balance beam! (My kids think this is really cool).
HYPE SONG - Dance With Me by Tones and I
WHY ARE YOU EXCITED TO SERVE ON THE COLLECTIVE EVENTS (TCE) BOARD - I am so excited to serve as a member on the TCE board because of all the different outreach ways this organization touches our community. The TCE board is a new way for me to help make a positive impact on the lives of members of our community in so many different ways, and I am grateful that I get the opportunity to serve in that capacity.